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Alameda High School Advanced Placement Test Results

Alameda High School currently offers Advanced Placement classes in the following subjects: English Language, English Literature, Government, U.S. History, European History, Calculus, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Environmental Science, Spanish, and French. AHS has tried very hard to be more inclusive in our AP program and get more students to challenge themselves to take a rigorous college preparatory class that can yield college credits if the Advanced Placement Exam is passed in May.

2004 AP Results for Alameda High School

The 2004 testing results showed that 321 students took 643 exams, with a 73% pass rate. This compares to a 59% pass rate nationally for the exam. 105 of the tests were rated "5", the highest possible score. This is the most students we have ever had take AP tests, and to earn that pass rate was truly extraordinary.

These are the numbers of students, tests, and pass rates for the past five years:

  • 2000-165 students took 272 tests with a pass rate of 68%
  • 2001-230 students took 434 tests with a pass rate of 66%
  • 2002-233 students took 422 tests with a pass rate of 72%
  • 2003-271 students took 489 tests with a pass rate of 73%
  • 2004-321 students took 643 tests with a pass rate of 73%

For additional details contact:

John Maiers, Alameda High School Head Counselor (510) 337-2332 jmaiers@alameda.k12.ca.us

I am very pleased to report that the Advanced Placement results for 2004 were released this week by the College Board with a new tool to evaluate each state and school for excellence on the AP exams. The new standard is percentage of total seniors passing an AP exam. In 2004, 13.2% of seniors nationally passed an AP exam, up from previous years. California ranked fourth among the 50 states with 18.7% of all seniors passing at least one AP exam. Alameda High School scored even better, with 27.3% of the seniors in the class of 2004 passing at least one AP exam.

This superb performance is double the national pass rate, and 50% above the California pass rate. In a very stressful time in public education it is important to celebrate the successes that our students and teachers have achieved. Congratulations to all involved!

2005 AP Results for Alameda High School

Alameda High School just received the AP scores from 2005 and the news was once again very good. AHS administered 625 AP exams in May, (with a graduating class of 384 students), and 449 earned a passing score and college credit, or 72% of the exams taken.

Today the College Board published the results for the AP exams given to the class of 2005. Nationally, 14.1% of seniors passed at least one Advanced Placement Exam. California was one of the top ranked states with a 19.7% pass rate. I am very proud to report that Alameda High School had 34.6% of the members of the class of 2005 pass at least one AP exam, more than double the national rate.

In addition, AHS had 24 students designated as AP Scholars with Distinction by passing 5 or more exams, and two students were National AP Scholars, meaning they passed at least 8 exams.

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 11, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.