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This an article of the 2000-2003 contract with teachers that are represented by the Alameda Education Association. Here the complete table of contents of the contract.



17.01 Definition:

Classroom teacher for the purpose of this Article shall be a unit member providing direct instruction to students.

17.02 Selection Committee Membership

17.02.01 The Selection Committee teacher membership shall consist of four (4) teachers elected by an AEA- sponsored secret ballot election among all probationary and permanent classroom teachers. The elected teachers shall serve as the teacher representatives. At all times, teachers shall constitute the majority of the committee. Other members of the committee shall be composed of District administrators. Election procedures shall be determined by the AEA.

17.02.02 Two (2) of the elected teacher representatives shall initially be elected for two-year terms and two for one-year terms. Each year thereafter, an election will be held in February to replace the two teachers going off of the Selection Committee.

17.02.03 Should the Board of Education determine that parents, pupils, or community representatives are on the Selection Committee, the majority of the representatives will remain classroom teachers.

17.03 Selection Committee Duties

17.03.01 The Selection Committee shall seek applicants for the Mentor Teacher Program from permanent employees who are classroom teachers and shall submit its nominations to the governing board by the first regular Board meeting in June of each year.

17.03.02 Any classroom teacher who meets the following qualifications, as specified by Education Code 44491, is eligible to seek classification as a mentor teacher.

a. Is a credentialed classroom teacher in California with permanent status in the District.

b. Has substantial recent experience in classroom instruction.

c. Has demonstrated exemplary teacher ability as indicated by, among other things, effective communications skills, subject matter knowledge, and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts.

17.03.03 Classroom observation of candidates shall be conducted by classroom teachers and administrators employed by the District.

17.03.04 Guidelines for assessing of mentor candidates:

a. Demonstrates knowledge and commitment to subject matter and can convey enthusiasm for subject to students.

b. Demonstrates a commitment of setting high expectations for students.

c. Demonstrates a willingness to give special attention to students requiring help.

d. Demonstrates leadership in organizing projects.

e. Has professional respect of his/her colleagues.

f. Demonstrates wide range of techniques and strategies in teaching of subject matter.

17.03.05 In the selection of mentors, the Selection Committee shall consider the need to serve varying grade levels and curriculum areas. Mentor positions shall be filled based on the availability of highly qualified candidates. Not all positions need to be filled.

17.04 Mentor Teaching Services

17.04.01 Mentor teachers shall be provided a stipend amount as set by the state program each year.

17.04.02 A mentor teacher may, upon mutual agreement with the District, and at his/her option, use part of his/her stipend for the cost of a substitute in order to provide released time for professional growth.

17.04.03 Mentor teachers shall not be exempt from extra duty assignments or staff meetings required of other members of the unit.

17.04.04 In addition to all other non-instructional time provided by this Contract, mentor teachers may be provided time for purposes of:

a. Primarily providing assistance to new teachers.

b. Providing assistance to experienced teachers.

c. May also provide assistance in staff development and special curriculum development.

17.04.05 Each mentor teacher shall spend, on the average, not less than 60% of his/her time in direct instruction of pupils.

17.04.06 Mentor teachers shall not participate in the evaluation of any member of the bargaining unit.

17.04.07 A mentor teacher's term shall be for up to three consecutive years. Continuation of the term shall be contingent upon positive evaluation. Renomination shall be available only if the mentor continues to qualify for renomination and has served effectively as a mentor teacher. After service of three (3) consecutive years, the mentor may not reapply for a one year period.

17.04.08 Mentor teacher's performance shall be reviewed annually by appropriate District supervisors. This performance review shall be provided to the Selection Committee if the mentor seeks renomination.

17.05 Discontinuance of Program

17.05.01 If state funding for this program is not received by the District, the programs shall be discontinued.

17.05.02 If funding for the Mentor Teacher Program from the state is less than the suggested appropriation for 5% of the teacher force, the Board of Education shall use rankings determined by the Selection Committee to fund the number of positions based upon monies the District receives.

17.05.03 The mentor teacher regulations adopted by the State Board of Education shall supersede any contrary contractual provisions.

17.06 Release Time

Release time for mentor teachers is not to be provided by teachers during their preparation periods.

17.07 Class Size Count

Mentor teachers shall be counted in class size reviews for only that percentage of time that they are actually a classroom teacher.

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Last modified: January 12, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.