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This an article of the 2000-2003 contract with teachers that are represented by the Alameda Education Association. Here the complete table of contents of the contract.



23.01 The year-round education calendar is attached as Appendix G-2

23.02 Non-classroom unit members shall be assigned to either a traditional or YRE work year calendar, but may be required to perform services at sites with different calendars. The District may offer unit members extended year contracts for work beyond the 182-day work year. Such contracts shall be paid in accord with Article 14. As an exception to this provision, the district and a unit member may mutually agree to a work year calendar consisting of 182 workdays, some of which are in the traditional calendar and some of which are in the YRE calendar. No unit member shall be required to accept an extended year contract. Whenever possible, the extended year compensation will be included as creditable compensation for STRS purposes.

23.03 Unit members who have changed calendars during the school year and would be subject to loss of annual work days shall be provided an opportunity to substitute teach sufficient days to fulfill the annual contractual obligation, and thereby receive a full year of service and pay for retirement purposes. If a change of calendars results in a longer school year, the unit member shall be paid per diem for all days worked over the normal contract year.

23.04 Year-round education and traditional year unit members who are "off track" shall have the first opportunity to substitute within the District at the regular daily substitute rate.

23.05 All unit members interested in substituting shall submit, in writing, a notification to the District Office listing dates they are available for substitution.

23.06 Year-round education and traditional year unit members who are "off track" may substitute in other districts.

23.07 The length of year-round education teacher work year and work day shall be the same as in the traditional year.

23.08 Upon request, the District shall assign children of unit members to the same schedule as the unit member is teaching.

23.09 Year-round education teachers may voluntarily exchange days with traditional schedule teachers without loss of pay, benefits, or sick leave subject to the following limitations:

23.09.01 Exchanges shall not be approved for more than five (5) consecutive days or ten (10) total days per school year.

23.09.02 Application for exchange must be submitted to the principal of each party to the exchange. The application shall specify the time for exchange for each party, the names of employees scheduling the exchange, and the reasons for the exchange.

23.09.03 Applications shall be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance to both principals. Both principals must approve the exchange before it can be implemented. Exchanges shall not be approved unless there is a legitimate educational, professional, or personal reason for the absence, and if the proposed scheduling of the exchange and the employee replacements have no adverse impact on the educational program.

23.09.04 Except in exceptional circumstances, no exchange shall be approved which is scheduled within three (3) weeks of the opening of schools.

23.10 Year-round education unit members who are "off track" shall not be required to attend any meetings of any kind.

23.11 Unless otherwise stated, all provisions of this contract shall apply to year-round unit members.

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Last modified: January 12, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.