
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Source:DELAC meeting, 2/7/2007, Powerpoint Presentation

Vision for English Learners

February, 2007

A child's first langauge is part of who they are

  • English Learners (ELs) have a triple challenge: to learn content, meet grade level standards, & a new langauge to proficiency
  • No matter which grade level you enter, you will have English langauge development (ELD) support to help you accelerate your English langauge so you can access the academic courses

EL students have a major benefit: to become bilingual and biliterate or more...

Goals for English learners....

  • Achieve and sustain high levels of academic, linguistic, and multicultural competency
  • Meet state/local standards across the curriculum
  • Develop critical approaches to creating, assessing, usig and evaluating knowledge and information
  • Achieve high levels of proficiency including literacy, in at least two langauges
  • Negotiate and work across differences secure in their identity and self-esteem

Parents, students and schools must work together to ensure we...

  • Continue to build quality programs that address the needs of English learners
  • Recognize and understand the impact of langauge and culture
  • Build accountability and ownership for serving English learners into the life of our schools and district


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: February 7, 2007

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