
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for January 31, 2006

1. Proclamation: A Season for Non-Violence

Background: A Season for Non-Violence encourages students to participate in this celebration.

The Board approved the proclamation.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

2. Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Charter Renewal & Bylaws

Background: On May 16, 2001, Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) received approval of its charter petition from the Alameda Unified School District. The approval last for five years. A report was given regarding compliance with charter policy, regulations and current legislation. The charter application was also be presented. Overall, the consultant believes BASE has fulfilled its charter established five years ago and their charter should be renewed.

This item will return at the next Board meeting for action by the Board.

3. Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Background: On May 16, 2001, Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) received approval of its charter petition from the Alameda Unified School District. The approval last for five years. Along the the charter BASE and AUSD sign a memorandum of understanding to establish operating agreements. The consultant has more minor changes that the AUSD staff need to review.

The consultant did point that BASE may need to establish alternative assessment processes to qualify for the next charter renewal in five years and recommend that agreements regarding alternative assessment be part of the agreement.

This item will return at the next Board meeting for action by the Board.

4. District Copy/Print Committee Report

Background: The Superintendent created a committee consisting of principals and distrcit department managers to assess the District's copier and printing needs and to make recommendations of what to do at the end of the current copier contract period which ends June 30, 2006. The survey did reveal the need to keep the District Copy Center function open.

The District spends approximately $750,000 a year on copying. It is an obljective of the committee to sign a contract that keeps costs at current level.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12: Strategic Plan

5. Educational Enhancament Through Technology (EETT) Grant Report

Background: Alameda Unified School District received a one year $690,000 grant to implement a technology enhanced math intervention program called MathTech at all three middle schools.

The MathTech program targets 280 sixth, seventh and eight grade students who score far below basic in their math achievement.

MathTech teachers receive five full professional development days, monthly after-school seminars, and regular one-to-one math and technoloyg coaching to support them in implementing research based teaching practices and integrating technology into the curriculum.

Fiscal Implications: Grant funded.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 - Goal 5

6. Report on Governor's Proposal of FY 2006-07

Background: On January 10, 2006 the Governor released his State Budget proposal for 2006-07 fiscal year.

Staff presented a report on the Governor's budget proposal as it relates to K-12 education and Alameda Unified School District.

Here what the Legislative Analyst Office review of the Governor's budget proposal said about K-14 education:

    Spends $1.7 billion more than required by the minimum guarantee in 2006/07. This fully funds growth and cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), and provides an additional $1.2 billion in program spending, including equalization of school district funding, restorations of COLAs foregone in prior years, mandates, and teacher retention initiatives.

    In addition, provides $428 million in new spending for K-12 after school programs as required by Proposition 49.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12

8. Alameda Education Association (AEA) and Alameda Unified School District Joint Openers for a COntract 2006-2009

Background: The contract between Alameda Education Association and Alameda Unified School District expires on June 20, 2006. The openers for a new three year contract have been jointly submitted in order to expedite the negotation process.

Alameda Education Association (AEA) Openers

Article 8 - Teaching Hours

  • Calendar
  • Technology

Article 11 - Evaluation

  • Evaluate veteran teachers every 5 years
  • Complaint procedure

Article 12 - Health Benefits

  • Increase district contribution to premiums

Article 13 - Safety

  • Complete draft from 2004

Article 14 - Salary

  • Salary increase
  • Update langauge in the payroll period section

Article 20 - Discipline

  • Progressive discipline

Article 27 - Special Education

Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Openers

Article 8 - Teaching Hours

  • To review the in-lieu provision in the areas of granting and compensation
  • To clarify what obiligations a part-time teacher has on a pro-rated basis
  • Collaboration time be established with a uniform basis by site throughout the District, with mutual agreement between the sites and District
  • To develop school calendar guideline
  • Add to counselor's job description- "in conjunction with administration, design, implement and evaluate a student master schedule"

Article 11 - Evaluation

  • If an employee receives an overall rating of "needs improvement" or "unsatisfactory" the employee cannot move to another position until a satisfactory evaluation
  • Design "new" evalutaion form specifically for counselors

Article 12 - Health Benefits

  • To provide a fair and equitable health, dental and vision coverage commensurate within the District's financial ability and means

Article 14 - Salary

  • To provide a fair and equitable salary increase within the District's financial ability and means
  • To mutually develop a salary formula that is simple and concise to be applied in order to meet the above for the next three years of a closed contract covering school year 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09.

Article 26 - Effects of the Agreement

  • To have an agreement for a closed contract with a term of three years effective July 1, 2006


To review all appendixes and remove those that are outdated, revise those that need revision and add contract language, if needed.

This item will return to the Board at the next meeting for Public Hearing and action.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: January 27, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.