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BOE Meeting for May 24, 2005

1. AB 2042 Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA) Induction Update

Background: Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA) is is an initiative to provide formative assessment and individualized support based on assessment information for beginning teachers. BTSA is co-administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).

The Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment System was created by AB 1266 (Mazzoni, 1997). This grew out of legislation established in SB 1422 (Bergeson, 1992) based on research from the California New Teacher Project (CNTP). A central finding of this research identified the need to provide beginning teachers with focused induction support. To be useful, this support must be provided at a sufficient level of intensity to make a difference in the performance, retention, and satisfaction of beginning teachers. The 1997 Mazzoni legislation establishing BTSA encourages collaboration by local school districts, county offices of education, colleges and universities in the organization and delivery of new teacher induction.

In 1998, SB 2042 established a formal teacher induction program for new teachers and out-of-state teachers that need a clear California credential.

There are 35 teachers participating in the program this year 22 at the elementary school level, 7 at the middle school level and 6 at the high school level.

Fiscal Implications: Categorical dollars and $2000 per teacher of in-kind services from the District.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2 - Staff Development

2. Alameda Adult School Report

Background: : Over 4,000 adult learners of diverse ages, ethnicities, backgrounds and educational needs use the Adult School.

Strategic Significance: Goal #11: Vocational, Career, and Adult Education

3. Approval of Third Interim Report

Item Type: Action (45 minutes)

Background: Pursant to Education Code 42130 & 42131, the governing board of a school district that submits a negative or qualified report, shall provide financial statement projections for the period ending April 30. The financial statements are referred to as the Third Interim Report.

In February, 2005, the Board voted 5-0 to approve 2005/06 Spending Reduction totaling $1,625,000.

This is the third round of budget reductions passed by the Board in the past four years including 2003 Spending Reductions totaling $1,700,000 and 2001 Spending Reductions totaling $1,600,000

The Associate Superintendent for Fiscal Services from Alameda County Office of Education made a presentation to the Board at the May 10th BOE Meeting. She covered the provisions of AB1200 which outline the County obligations in reviewing and approving school district's budgets. She confirmed that fact if AUSD submits a 2005/06 budget where the reserves are below 3%, the County is obligated to disapprove the budget. At that point, the County would work with the District to develop a fiscal recovery plan and appoint a fiscal advisor to oversee the recovery plan.

Staff presented a review of the May Revise and its on Alameda. Then a review of the multi-year projections with/witout the passage of parcel tax was done. The review that with the passage of the parcel tax, Alameda would be submit a budget that meets the fiscal requirements, thus avoid the appointment of a fiscal advisor.

The Board approved the third interim financial statements with a "qualified" rating.

Strategic Significance: Goals #1-#12 due to fiscal implications.

4. English Language Development Report (R-30)


Annually in March, school districts are required to collect the number of English Language Learners in their districts and submit a report known as the Language Census (R-30).

After completing a Home Language Survey indicating what is the primary language spoken in the home, an assessment is given when a non-English language is spoken.

Annual assessment given in 2004/05 school stand at 2,509 with 2,149 designated as English Language Learners. The primary languages are Cantonese (635) Spanish (417) Vietnamese (233) Pilipino (Tagalog) (236) Korean (110) and Farsi (98). There are an additional thirteen languages with 10 more students.

A report compiled shows the number of students by country of origin if they moved to the United States within the last three years. As of March 1, 2005 there 461 identified students from fifty-three (53) countries. There has been a steady decline in the number of students over the past ten years. In 1994 there 1,248 students identified.

Strategic Significance: Goal #7: Limited English Proficient Students

5. Approval of Facilities Master Plan

Background: In September, 2000, AUSD adopted Facilities Master Plan. Changes in demographics and the completion of a $27 million Modernization Program in 2002 required updating the 2000 Facilities Master Plan. The updated data with findings and options were presented in November, 2002. At that time, the Board decided to proceed with construction of a new elementary school but reserved approval of the remainder of the plan until other options could be presented for further discussion.

At April 19, 2005 Workshop staff and School Finances Services presented new demographic data projecting enrollment trends for the next six years. However, the closure of Harbor Island apartments creates an assumed negative growth pattern that needs to be examined. In addition, plans for the development of Alameda Point are in flux. While the current plans have identified a projected total of 2,055 units, the timing of construction is very uncertain. So additional refinement maybe needed.

While the planning for the future growth needs of the District needs future examination, the implementation of construction work for Measure C requires the Board to review the following recommendations:

  1. Construct New 600 Student School - This has already been approved by the Board and should be completed by September, 2006.
  2. Relocate Woodstock Elementary Students to New School - This School was designed by the Woodstock community with the idea that they would occupy it when completed.
  3. Relocate Miller Elementary Students to New School - Miller student enrollment could be accomodated in the new school.
  4. Temporarily Relocate District Offices to Miller Elementary - District Office must vacate Historic Alameda High School for seismic upgrade of this facility. This relocation would allow the upgrade of the library section and District Office section of the building. Classrooms would thne be created for Alameda High School expansion.
  5. Relocate Island High School to Woodstock Elementary - Island High would be able to utilize the permanent construction of this facility. Current portables are old and showing dry rot in many areas. The new site would be able to accomodate a PE program and could have a lunch program and assembly area. The District is also authorized to use the proposed Boys & Girls Club facility during school hours.
  6. Construct low/moderate income housing on the current Island High School site - Through agreement with the City of Alameda, the District is authorized to use funds as low income to moderate imcome housing. These units could be utilized by District employees who qualify.
  7. Consolidate Corporation Yard, Warehouse and a Central Kitchen - Examine various location for this consolidation. Use the proceeds from the sale of the existing locations to finance new facilites at a site to be determined.

The Board approved these recommendations.

The Board directed staff to work with Miller community in order to insure a smooth transition for the September, 2006 new school opening.

Fiscal Implications: To be determined, no impact on general fund.

Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Learning Environment

6. Update on Redevelopment Pass Through Tax Increment Project

Item Type: Information (20 minutes)

Background: : At the March 22nd 2005 BOE Meeting the District authorized to use funds as low income to moderate income housing in an agreement with the City.

Staff reported they would like to start the feasibility studyin conjunction with the Alameda Development Corporation. Janet Gibson will be the Board liasion.

Strategic Significance: Goal All - Fiscal

7. Resolution 05-3901 Non-Reelection of Temporary Employees

Background: California Education Code Section 44954 requires that the Governing Board notify a temporary employee of the decision to release the employee from their contract.

A total of 15 teachers, 3 at the elementary school level, 2 at the middle school level and 10 at the high school level are being notified of their release from their contract.

The Board approved the resolution.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2 - Staff Development

8. Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (10 minutes)

Background: Each year the School district must identify the potential shortage of fully qualified educators in various subject areas.

Staff presente their report. The number of exceptions is getting smaller each year due to requirements of No Child Left Behind.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2 - Staff Development



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 21, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.