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BOE Meeting for June 9th, 2004

Glenda McDowell, AEA president announced a tentative agreement has been received the District regarding the teacher contract. A vote by the teachers is scheduled for June 15th.

Bids were approved under the consent items for the following projects for Summer 2004:

  • Roof Repairs at Encinal High School
  • Roof Repairs at Lincoln Middle School
  • Roof Repairs at Woodstock Elementary School
  • Roof Deck Repairs at Haight Elementary School

Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) to install Data Wiring and Wireless Access Points

1. Employee(s) of the Month

Background: Each month the Distric recognizes Employees of the Month. This month Laraine Grady and Elizabeth DiMaano were recognized.

2. Recognition of Student Board Members

Background: The Board of Education believes it is important to seek out and consider student' ideas, viewpoints and reactions to the educational programs before the Board. As a result, one student is selected from three high schools: Alameda, Encinal and Island. The duties of the student Board member are:

  1. To provide continuing input for Board deliberations
  2. To strengthen communications between the Board and students
  3. To represent all students and facilitate the discussion of all sides of issues. This duty does not preclude the student Board member from stating his/her individual opinion

The outgoing student Board members were:

  • Jia-Jia Zhu - Alameda
  • Leah Abraham - Encinal
  • Christopher Martinez - Island

3. Measure A Fiscal Oversight Committee Report

Background: A report from the Fiscal Oversight Committee consisting of Judge Richard Bartalini, PTA Council President, David Forbes and Alameda Parent/Hayward Unified School Disrict Teacher Nak Min Oddie was given on Measure A expenditures While a unrestricted parcel tax would generate $2,200,000, the senior exemptions exercised reduced to the total funds collect to approximately $1,850,000.

4. Update on District Copier Program

Background: A counsel of principals (Shirley Clem and Laurie Fry), office managers and , clerical personnel (Cindy Zecher, Paula Rolleri and Janet Castro) and a PTA member was formed to review current operational practices and recommend improvements for the upcoming school year. Identified concerns related to processing delays, accounting job costing information and machine failure repairs have been addressed. Next year the committe will continue to meet to monitor onoging status of the coper center.

5. Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Annual Report

Background: Based on passage of State law in 1998 and Article 28 of the current contract with Alameda Edcuation Association, the Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) program allows exemplary teachers to assist veterans teachers who need to develop their subject matter knowledge. In 2002-03 six teachers took advantage of the PAR program. Proposed budget cuts reduced the size of the PAR program in 2003-04 to just two teachers.

6. Material Change to Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Charter (Governance)


The Board of Directors of Alternatives in Action (AIA) petitioned for approval of material changes to its charter as it affects the governance of the Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE). The proposed changes provide for greater operational effectiveness, improved oversight for AUSD and compliance with recent legislative requirements.

7. PUBLIC HEARING: Re-Openers - Public Employees Local One

Background: The District and Local One have a current contract that expires on June 30, 2004. Local One submitted their openers at the March 23rd BOE meeting. At this meeting the District is presented their openers.



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 7, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.