
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for June 27, 2006

1. Measure C Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Report

Background: The Measure C Committee gave a report recapping their quarterly meeting on oversight of Measure C.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

2. Report on Close-Up Field Trips to Washingtion D.C.

Background: Close Up's mission is to inform, inspire and empower students to exercise the rights and accept the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.

Kevin Gorham has been instrumental in increasing the attendance and participation of AUSD students. Starting with 22 Lincoln Middle School students in 1999 over 150 students representing all three middle schools, Encinal and Island High School participated last year. Due to his efforts, Kevin was received a commendation for his leadership.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

3. Alameda Education Foundation (AEF) Annual Report

Background: The Alameda Education Foundation gave a report on all its program during the 2005-06 school year.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

4. Fiscal & Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) Report

Background: Alameda Unified School District requested that a Fiscal & Crisis Management Assistance Team conduct a fiscal health analysis of the District General, Caferteria and Child Development Funds.

The FCMAT report contains 14 recommendations:

    Enrollment and ADA

  1. Consider hiring a professional demogrpaher to establish a baseline for the district's current and future enrollment projections to include the following:
    • Migration patterns in\out of schools
    • Retention in same grade
    • Changes in school programs
    • Drop-outs, interdistrict transfers, etc.
    • Birth rates
    • Residential housing starts
  2. Begin tracking developer fees by address and establish a database that cna be cross matched by address with the district's SASI student files.
  3. Position Control

  4. Fully implement the APTA position control software module for the 2005-06 fiscal year.
  5. Develop a security protocol regarding internal controls for APTA position control and absence tracking modules.
  6. Perform multiyear scenarios to include increase compensation. The district's multiyear financial projections (MYFP) does not include additional compensation costs for the two fiscal years of the projection.
  7. Collective Bargaining

  8. Consider incorporating into the collective bargaining agreement language on known factors that can be budgeted accurately.
  9. Retiree Health Benefits

  10. Hire a professional actuary and prepare an acturial report. In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standard Board Statement No. 45 (GASB 45), Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment Benefits Other Than Pension was issued on June 21, 2004.
  11. Facilities

  12. Hire a consultant with the appropriate expertise concerning rebate and penalty calculation services and potential arbitrage rebate reserve requirements.
  13. Hire a temporary accounting position to fulfill the project accounting requirements for all facility projects. Funding for this type of project personnel can be funded out of bonds proceeds.
  14. Multi Year Financial Projection

  15. Perform the proper analysis to evaluate staffing adjustments for future consideration when completing MFYP.
  16. Continue to ensure that categorical programs and other funds do not exceed revenues or increase encroachment on the general fund.
  17. Complete detailed MYFPs for the general fund as required.
  18. Provide staff members with staff development training on how to use miultiyear projection software.
  19. Utilize MYFPs for all significant financial proposals to evaluate their long-term impact for collective bargaining.

The report was not presented due scheduling issues.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12 Strategic Plan

5. Post Secondary Destination & Scholarhship Report

Background: This is first time school destintation and scholarship have been presented at a Board meeting.

Alameda High School has 17% attending California State Universitities, 26% attending University of California institutions, 17% Technical & Speciality Schools, 5% Out of State Colleges, 3% Private Colleges and 27% attending community college. Alameda graduates received close to a million dollars in scholarships.

Encinal has 48% attending four year colleges, 32% attending community college with 15% undecided. Encinal graduates received Over $850,000 in scholarships.

Fiscal Implications: None

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

6. Suspension/Explusion Report 2005-06

Background: .

Below is the data for the last four years:


(Number of days)

. 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06
High Schools 1,226 915 851 876
Middle Schools 765 788 858 883
Elementary Schools 252 438 355 288
Total 2,243 2,141 2,064 2,047


(Number of students)

. 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06
High Schools 12 12 10 15
Middle Schools 9 4 5 7
Elementary Schools 0 0 0 0
Total 21 16 15 22

In addition a report on Average Daily Attendance was given. In 2005/06 dropped from 96.46% to 96.04% costing the District approximately %150,000.

Strategic Significance: Goal #5 - At Risk Students

7. Adoption of High School Pyschology Textbooks

Background: The Board adopted Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior by Dennis Coon.


Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Circular Coherence & Effective Instruction

8. Adoption of Spanish 4 Textbooks

Background: The Board adopted The Board three titles: En Marcha!, Abriendo Paso: Lectura y Gramatica, and Encuenntros Maravillosos Gramatica a Traves de le Literatura.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Circular Coherence & Effective Instruction

9. Public Hearing: Proposed Budget for Fiscal year 2006-07

Background: Education Code 42127(a) and (b) requires school distict file an adopted operating budget for all funds with the County Superintendent of Schools by July 1 of each fiscal year.

The Board approved the operating budget.Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 All

10. Resolution 06-4054 Adopt Proposed Budget and Make Appropriations and Adopt the Standards and Criteria for Fiscal Year 2006-07

Background: The approved the resolution for the 2006/07 budget.

The Powerpoint presentation from the meeting captures the high level details of the approved budget.


Fiscal Implications: To be determined.

Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 All

11. Resolution 06-4055 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employee, Extended Day Coordinators, Crant Positions

Background: Education Code 45117 set forth dates and procedures by which the Board of Education must express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service and give notice to classified employees. This action taken is needed due to the reorganization of after-school grant programs starting in the 2006-07 school year. Two Extended Day Coordinators positions are being eliminated.


Fiscal Implications: $30,000 to $42,000 annually

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 20, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.