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BOE Meeting – 11/12/2002

Items of Note from Board Meeting
1. District Initiative on Mathematics
2. Island High ROP Business at Oakland Airport
3. 2001/2002 Budget Cut Review
4. Existing Charter School Finances
5. New Review Process at School Sites 
6. Consent Items of Note

1. District Initiative on Mathematics

Background: In response to adoption of new standards-based mathematics for grades 6-8, the District entered into a contract with Phil Gonsalves. Mr. Gonsalves was to provide an ongoing series of curriculum planning sessions with all middle school teachers and high school teachers.

Presentation: Mr. Gonsalves presented a report on progress he has made since starting in August. Significant progress has been made in developing “content scripting”. The idea being “scripts” will provide a consistent presentation of math concepts across district. In addition to providing a common vocabulary, the “scripts” enable the coordination of content across grade levels. 

Implications: In order for this process to work, teachers need significant amounts of time for collaboration. One teacher went so far as to indicate that she would prefer larger class size in exchange for more collaboration time.

2. Island High ROP Business at Oakland Airport

Background: A year ago Assemblywoman Wilma Chan contacted AUSD about establishing student operated concession stand at Oakland Airport.

Presentation: Island High staff and students indicated they had done all necessary work and they were ready to enter into agreement with Oakland Airport. The student operated concession stand will sell coffee and baked goods. “Espresso Island” is scheduled to open in February, 2003.

Implications/Opportunities: Funding for startup costs are coming from ROP funds. Not clear on what would happen if “profits” were generated.

3. 2001/2002 Budget Cut Review

Background: 33 budget items totaling a projected $1.5 million were implemented in the 2001/2002 school year.

Presentation: Staff presented a worksheet showing that the actual savings from the cuts totaled $1.6 million.

Implications: Certain cuts from General Fund were picked up by the sites, thereby squeezing site budgets.

4. Charter School Finances

Background: AUSD has two charter schools operating in Alameda. AUSD is conduit for funding these two schools.

Presentation: Arthur Andersen Learning Center received $964,000 in revenues and spent $771,000, leaving a fund balance of fund balance of $193,000. The BASE program is an independent charter and financial reporting is not in place. AUSD reported BASE received $225,000 in revenues with $85,000 in expenses. It is unclear what the financial status of the BASE program is.

Implications: Oversight of charter schools is evolving process for the State and local districts. AUSD needs to monitor closely the fiscal implications and work with the State and charter schools to mitigate the impact on the General Fund.

5. New Review Process at School Sites

Background: The California Department of Education (CDE) developed a coordinated compliance review (CCR) in the mid-80s. As preparation for the scheduled visit in 2003/04, each school site needs to perform a self review for compliance with 14 different specially funded educational programs.

Presentation: Staff presented the timeline associated with the district wide program.

Implications: A significant amount of staff time at each site will be needed to complete the CCR. Areas identified to be in non-compliance will need to be addressed or we could lose funding from the State or Federal government.

6. Consent Items of Note

A. AUSD entered into a three year agreement with the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative (BASRC). BASRC has been working 4 schools and now has chosen AUSD as one of four school districts that they want to work on a district wide basis. 

Implications: BASRC is committed to school reform and working with them on a district level should provide numerous opportunities to evaluate our overall effectiveness in improving student achievement.

B. AUSD Library Media Center Plan for 2001-2005 has been recertified. 

Implications: Recent budget cuts have dropped the school library entitlements have dropped to $5.30 per student. $55,000 in new funding for libraries has been secured. In prior years funding was $28 per student 


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Last modified: November 27, 2002

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.