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BOE Meeting for November 23rd, 2004

1. District Nutrition Policy

Background: Staff updated the Board on revision to Board Policy on Food Service/Child Nutrition Program and presented a draft of new administrative regulation for Food Service/Child Nutrition Program.

2. Report on District School Site Council, Leadership Team, Advisory Council Workshop

Background: A report on a district wide School Site Council (SSC), Leadership, and Advisory Council Workshop held on November 17 was given. One of the primary roles of the School Site Council is to approve the Single School Plan for their school.

3. Approval of the 2005/06 Calendar

Background: The Board approved the 2005/06 Calendar with two student Board members casting their preferential votes against the calendar.

For additional information, please see: Comments Received on the 2005/06 Calendar and Background Issues of the 2005/06 Calendar.

4. Bay Area School Reform Collaborative (BASRC) Update

Background: The Bay Area School Reform Collaborative was founded in the late 90s to support schools close the achievement gap through improved literacy instructional practices. In 2003, BASRC expanded their efforts to include supporting school districts with Alameda being one of five districts selected in the Bay Area. As a BASRC Focal District, an update on the work to date and future plans was given.

5. Technology Report

Background: The Director of Technology will reported on upgrade to systems and infrastructure as a result of the passage of Measure C.

There were four main areas affected by the recent passage of Measure C:

  1. Infrastructure
  2. With last upgrade to network and its related servers and storage devices being done in 1999, significant work has been done on the infrastructure. Every school received new wiring to put a data drop in every classroom and wireless capability where appropriate. This network will allow the District to install Voice over Internet Protocol.

  3. Desktops
  4. Over 600+ computers were installed at the school sites. These standardized computers will allow the lean Technology staff to remotely support the PCs.

  5. Training Facility
  6. A new training facility with standardized computers has been completed.

  7. Application Software
  8. With a solid infrastructure and standardized computers, the District is positioned to roll out to two applications to the teacher's desktop: 1.) Online Attendance Tracking and 2.) Measures: Access to Student Achievement data.

The rollout of this standardized equipment and the inability of individual teachers to load software is a significant change for the District. Over the coming months, a process to review and approve authorized software will be implemented.

6. PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 04-3913 Certifying Sufficiency of Science Lab Materials

Background: School districts must ensure they have fully complied with the requirements of Education Code 60119. At this public hearing the Board approved the resolution certifying that there is sufficient science lab materials for grades 6-12.

7. PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 04-3914 Certifying Sufficiency of Instructional Materials

Background: School districts must ensure they have fully complied with the requirements of Education Code 60119. At this public hearing the Board approved the resolution certifying that there is sufficient instructional materials for grades K-12.



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 24, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.