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Options from 2000 Master Plan Update (Nov. 2002)

Planning Options Presented in April, 2005

Issues to be addressed

  1. Accomodate enrollment growth
  2. Minimize impact financially and politically
  3. Meet new construction and modernization needs at existing schools
  4. Increase utilization of District facilities

Options to address Growth Needs

  1. Build K-5 elementary school at Catellus site
  2. Build K-8 school at Catellus site
  3. Transfer Woodstock students to the Catellus school
  4. Add 6th grade classes at Washington and Earhart
  5. Add seven (7) portables to Alameda High
  6. Move district office
  7. Convert Alameda High space currently being used as City Library into classrooms and leave district office in place.
  8. Move Island High to Woodstock
  9. Move Auther Andersen Learning Center to to current library wing

Options to Generate Revenue

  1. Issue a Certificate of Participation for the building of the Catellus school
  2. Swap Tidelands property for new district office
  3. Sell Island High
  4. Sell Tidelands site
  5. Place a General Obiligation Bond on the March 2004 ballot up to the amount of $83,000,000



Planning Options from Facilities Master Plan Workshop(April 19, 2005)

  1. Construct New 600 Student School - This has already been approved by the Board and should be completed by September, 2006.
  2. Relocate Woodstock Elementary Students to New School - This School was designed by the Woodstock community with the idea that they would occupy it when completed.
  3. Relocate Miller Elementary Students to New School - Miller student enrollment could be accomodated in the new school.
  4. Temporarily Relocate District Offices to Miller Elementary - District Office must vacate Historic Alameda High School for seismic upgrade of this facility. This relocation would allow the upgrade of the library section and District Office section of the building. Classrooms would thne be created for Alameda High School expansion.
  5. Relocate Island High School to Woodstock Elementary - Island High would be able to utilize the permanent construction of this facility. Current portables are old and showing dry rot in many areas. The new site would be able to accomodate a PE program and could have a lunch program and assembly area. The District is also authorized to use the proposed Boys & Girls Club facility during school hours.
  6. Construct low/moderate income housing on the current Island High School site - Through agreement with the City of Alameda, the District is authorized to use funds as low income to moderate imcome housing. These units could be utilized by District employees who qualify.
Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: January 29, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.