
BOE Meetings Assessment Facilities FinancesFavorite Links
Revenues 2003/04 2004/05 2004/05 2004/05 2004/05
Estimated Actual 6/30 Budget First Interim Second Interim Unaudited Actuals
Revenue Limit Sources 49,074,444 50,514,259 50,026,217 49,817,019 50,087,688
Federal Revenues 6,381,830 6,111,055 6,193,055 8,308,694 8,064,635
Other State Revenues 20,257,570 21,050,694 21,024,020 22,137,918 22,342,031
Other Local Revenues 4,079,973 2,615,518 2,698,564 3,537,769 3,259,308

Total Revenues

79,793,818 80,291,526 79,941,856 83,801,400 83,753,662
Certificated Salaries 39,757,035 38,234,533 37,951,521 40,375,507 40,428,493
Classified Salaries 10,048,476 9,730,902 9,728,837 10,470,591 10,710,236
Employee Benefits 10,206,020 10,327,174 10,236,006 10,606,720 10,965,552
Books and Supplies 2,652,703 3,002,842 3,062,510 3,447,797 2,351,554
Services/Oper Expenses 8,214,661 7,463,786 7,490,696 8,195,539 8,051,484
Capital Outlay 140,406 350,274 348,906 166,958 19,475
Other Outgo 10,837,887 11,214,235 11,214,235 11,086,288 10,962,884
Direct Support /Indirect Costs -101,514 -252,121 -252,121 -249,878 -268,728
Other Sources/Uses 63,600 63,600 -26,400 -289,992

Total Expenditures/Sources/Uses

81,755,674 80,135,225 79,844,190 84,073,122 82,930,958
Net Change in Fund Balance -1,961,856 156,301 97,666 -271,722 822,704
Restricted Carry Forward 102,206 871,807
Ending Unrestricted Fund Balance  1,584,458 1,740,759 1,682,124 1,312,736 1,386,674

December Update: Because of significant events since the adoption of the budget, there is a projected deficit of $2,400,000 in 2005/06. For a complete explanation of $2,400,000 and high level identification of alternative actions please read the First Interim Report.

2003 State Budget Crisis

2004 State Budget Crisis

2005 State Budget Crisis

2003 AUSD Budget Issues

2004 AUSD Budget Issues

2005 AUSD Budget Issues

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 24, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.