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Source: Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence

The Five Standards for Effective Pedagogy and Learning

The Standards for Effective Pedagogy and Learning were established through CREDE research, and through an extensive analysis of the research and development literature in education and diversity. The Standards represent recommendations on which the literature is in agreement, across all cultural, racial, and linguistic groups in the United States, all age levels, and all subject matters. Thus, they express the principles of effective pedagogy for all students. Even for mainstream students, the Standards describe the ideal conditions for instruction; but for students at-risk of educational failure, effective classroom implementation of the Standards is vital. The research consensus can be expressed as five standards.

  1. Joint Productive Activity

  2. Teacher and Students Producing Together

  3. Language Development

  4. Developing Language and Literacy Across the Curriculum

  5. Contextualization

  6. Making Meaning: Connecting School to Students' Lives

  7. Challenging Activities

  8. Teaching Complex Thinking

  9. Instructional Conversation

  10. Teaching Through Conversation


For additional materials of instructional leadership:

  • Leading to Learn
  • Leading Change
  • Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last modified: May 4, 2004

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.