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I am sumarizing the Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy Leading for Learning framework and its related Sourcebook to assess what Alameda can do to accomplish "Student Success -Whatever It Takes" in the AUSD Strategic Plan for 2003-2008.

To establish a focus on learning, the definition of “learning” needs to be established for the three domains.

Student Learning

Students’ opportunities for learning reside in the interactions among students, teachers and content. Their learning – the outcome of those interactions- depends on how teachers implement curriculum, design academic tasks and engage students in these tasks, as well as how students approach their teachers, each other and their work.

In 2007, AUSD embarked on a coordinated effort of professional development through the rollout of the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) that is focused on Student Learning.

Professional Learning

Teachers’ learning includes the knowledge, skills and perspectives they acquire while preparing for and renewing their practice. Opportunities for effective professional development include those that come interacting with other professionals who offer ideas, critique, inspiration and moral support in the renewal process.

System Learning

Through inquiry into how a district performs, leaders can support “system learning”. Opportunities for system learning arise through strategic planning endeavors, evaluation of policies, programs and resources use; and monitoring of indicators to measure progress toward defined goals.

All three learning domains in context

All three learning domains act as context for the other two. At the same time, all three learning domains are influenced by larger domains. The District, families and the community, and the State and Federal domain all enable and constrain the learning of everyone in the system.

Strategic Plan Review

Alameda Unified has defined the strategic focus of the 2003-2008 plan as the student’s ability to pass District and State assessment tests. Within the context of student learning, what additional indicators can be used to broaden Alameda’s definition of student success?

Looking at the Graduate Profile Outcomes, there appears to be some areas where indicators could be developed. The Graduate Profile Outcomes are:

  • Achieve state and local standards
  • Displays responsibility, self –esteem, self-management, integrity and honesty
  • Works well with others and cooperates with others
  • Demonstrates knowledge of career options and the pathways to their attainment
  • Applies technology as a tool for learning and career preparation
  • Understands and participates in the democratic process
  • Looking at the Vision statement, additional areas from the We Are Most Proud That section could be:

  • Students are self-motivated and lifelong learners
  • Individual needs are met and potentials are fulfilled
  • People cooperate
  • Healthy children interact in a clean nurturing environment
  • Students are prepared for the challenges of life
  • Everyone is a learner
  • We help turn kids on to life
  • We made a difference for every student
  • Everyone is excited about learning and wants to be involved in learning
  • Student are committed to community involvement
  • Additional Resources

    Here are five dimensions that the The Center for Language in Learning have identified for student learning.

    Back to Leading to Learn Summary

    Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last modified: July 2, 2003

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.