
Mike McMahon AUSD
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To: Mike McMahon, Alameda Board of Education

From: Earl Rivard, President, Alamede Education Association

Subject: AUSD public stance re; Salary Formula Arbitration settlement

Date: 7 September 2006

We need the Board and the District better to understand how thier public comments affect us.

The arbitration settlement is honorable.

It is reasonable.

As was all AEA's participation in the process that led to it.

AUSD negotiators agreed to the salary formula's term in the spring of 2004.

The Board ratifed the agreement.

The Arbitration simply explicated the inevitable outcomes of that negotiated agreement.

Don't forget that our members agreed to that third-year-of-the-contract salary formula in lieu of any first- or second-year salary schedule enchancement.

AUSD - and not our member -was responsible, before the arbitration, for making the salary formula work, as negotiated, in the context of a responsibly balance budget.

To state or imply otherwise grossly disserves us.

Please excerise caution in your public discussion of this delicate issue, and encourage the other Board members and the District to do the same.

Not to do so is to jeopardize the tenous peace that has begun to establish itself among us.

That would be too high a piece for any of us to pay as we strive to serve the young of our community and, especially,as we enter the next round of negotiations on the conditions under which we will continue to do so.


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: , 2006

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