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BOE Meeting for March 14, 2006

1. Employee of the Month

Background: Each month the District recognizes an employee who nominated as an Employee of the Month. This month the District recognized: Fank Munoz, Custodian, Franklin Elementary School.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

2. Approval of Audit Report for Period Ending 6/30/05

Background: Each year the school district is required to conduct a public meeting to review the annual audit.

The Board approved the audit at the meeting.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12 Strategic Plan

3. Proclamation: Alameda's 105th Anniversary of Adult Education in California

Background: The district joins the State of California in celebrating the 150th anniversary of adult education in California. California has long history of public education that started before statehood in 1849.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

4. Approval of Resolution No. 06-4014 Non-Reelection of Probatioanary Certificated Employees

Background: California Education Code 44929.21 requires that the Governing Board shall notify a probationary employee in a position requiring certification qualifications of the decision to reelect or not reelect the employee to such a position for the succeeding school year.

The Board approved the resolution as presented.

Fiscal Implications: To be determined

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

5. Approval of Resolution No. 06-4015 Release of Temporary Employees

Background: California Education Code 44954 requires that the Governing Board shall notify a temporary employee in a position requiring certification qualifications of the decision to retain or release the employee to such a position for the succeeding school year.

The Board approved the resolution as presented.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

6. Approval of Resolution No. 06-4015 Release of Certificated Administrators

Background: Most certificated administrators, except those whose employment rights are strictly prescribed by a contract, may be released to another administrative or non-administrative position at the end of the year. This requires a notice by March 15th. Strict service requirements applying giving these notices. Certain certificated administrators on Management, Support and Confidential Salary Schedule will be notified.

The Board approved the resolution as presented.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

7. Criteria to Determine the Order of Termination Among Certificated Employees with the Same Date of Paid Service

Background: The Board finds that to make effective release of employment decisions; objective criteria must be established. This will ensure that District employees are treated farily and equitably. The purpose of adopting criteria for determining seniority for certificated employees who have the same date of initial employment is solely on the basis of the needs of the District and the students there of, in compliance with Education Code 44955.

Criteria to be Used

  • Credentials to teach or serve in a particular program or provide a particular service of need by the District (e.g. bilingual, special education)
  • Credentials that permit supplementary authorizations
  • Number of teaching and/or specialist service credentials
  • Earned degrees beyond the B.A. and B.S. level
  • Preliminary v Clear/Life Credentials
  • National Board Certification

The Board approved the criteria.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 15, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.