
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Response to 2/16/07 Editorial

posted to Blogging Bayport Alameda - Mutual Funding Post

Typically, my posts to blogs are informational in nature as I leave sharing my point of view to Board of Education meetings. Since I have already made public my stance on the proposed recommendation by the Superintendent, I feel I can respond to 2/16 Alameda Journal Editorial.

  • First, the school board must realize that it is our best offense and defense in this situation. Now is not the time to be cerebral elegant governors but loud and pesky activists. The funding situation from the state is most definitely a political issue, and our school board must get into the fight in both traditional and creative ways. Never could the old saw about the squeaky wheel getting the grease be more applicable.
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  • Second, it's time for the Alameda real estate and business community to roll up its sleeves and realize that it very much has a dog in this fight. After all, if our schools are in financial and physical disarray, who is going to want to buy a house here? Who is going to want to do business here?
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  • Third, Mayor Beverly Johnson and the city of Alameda must do more than have friendly little meetings with members of the school board every couple months. Johnson and the City Council should form a task force with school district leaders to quickly examine the kinds of city assistance that can be rendered to AUSD. (Hint to the city: starting thinking 'Berlin Airlift' and you'll get the right picture.)
  • Fourth -- and this may be the toughest pill to swallow -- is that we must agree to tax ourselves more. A lot more. While neighboring communities have local parcel taxes exceeding $1,000 a year, our school district levies just $189 annually. This is crazy.

First, we must realize that political activism is a long term struggle. Just ask our Livermore friends who have been fighting the school district funding inequity battle since 2001. In the near term, advocating to Senator Perata and Assemblyman Swanson to protect AUSD against the potential "takeback" of $1,200,000 of mandate reimbursement costs received in November, 2006 would be extremely beneficial. When the "Getting Down to Facts: A Research Project to Inform Solutions to California's Education Problems" study is released in March, 2007, Alameda needs to insure the funding inequities at the district level are highlighted.

Second, I am confident that the Alameda Education Foundation and parents will work with local business to jump start new funding sources.

Third, the city of Alameda is working with AUSD in a number of areas. Prior budget cuts to funding for crossing guards, school resource officers and the DARE programs have been picked up by the City. We are meeting with the City Council in March to discuss additional areas of mutual interest.

Fourth, Alameda citizens have demonstrated significant support for AUSD in the past few years. From a mid 90s failed effort to pass a $50 parcel tax, AUSD first received a $109 parcel tax that was increased to $189 in 2005, generating over $3,000,000 annually. In addition, Alameda voters approved $63 million in facilities modernization bonds in 2004.

AUSD needs to demonstrate we have our current budget under control. Despite a significant drop in enrollment, AUSD has taken action to rebalance its budget. Unfortunately, the Education Code only gives one opportunity a year to adjust teaching staffing. So while we experienced a $2,500,000 decrease in revenues starting in 2004 it was only last year when we were able to complete rebalancing staffing levels. The current proposed 2007/08 budget is a balanced budget with one outstanding item: ongoing negotiations for the 2006-2008 time frame.


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: February 16, 2007

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