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Vernice Boone Appears on the August 18th Don Roberts Show

This week, Vernice Boone, who is running for not one, not two, but three offices at the same time, was a guest on the Don Roberts TV Show. Speaking of his candidacy for the School Board, the Hospital Board and the City Council, Boone commented:

"I'm retired and when I found out that the Hospital Board doesn't pay anything and I need about $600.00 a month to live, I said, well, I better try and get me another job. The Board of Education pays and the City Council pays so I thought, OK, I'll try for those. If I'm going to be a politician, or try to run for an office, I might as well try to run for one that will satisfy my needs, plus being able to help people and help me to fulfill myself. I would never run for three of them again."

Boone stated that, of the three positions, the one he would most like to be elected to is the Board of Education because of his experience as a teacher. He said, "I think I have a better grasp of that than the City Council or the Hospital Board. I love the little kids. And I know that children love you just automatically. To be able to help them, helps me a lot, it fills out my life."

Commenting on campaigning, Boone said, "The way that people have treated me and have been nice to me, especially people in professional positions, I could never gain that by having money or working for that. It's a gift. It's priceless."


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Last modified: August 20, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.