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Gibson backs personnel cuts

Friday, October 1, 2004 By Peter Hegarty, Alameda Journal

Incumbent Janet Gibson teaches at Tennyson High School in Hayward and has worked in education for more than 30 years.

During her career she has taught at every grade level within the Alameda school district and was elected to the school board in 2000.

District officials project up to a $750,000 deficit this school year. How would you balance the books?

I've already tried by voting against the salary increase for the superintendent. And this was exactly the reason: I know it's going to be difficult. We'll be going through another process much like we have done in the last few years because we've had deficits and we've had to keep on cutting and paring down.

But basically I would look at what's furthest away from direct services to students.

If program cuts are needed, what would you cut first and why?

First, we would look at the district's central office, if there are any personnel (whose positions could be eliminated).

Many of the programs are mandated or have funding that you can't cut -- there's so much money that comes in for books, comes in for Title 1. So, personnel is the big issue; you're talking about benefits and everything.

Cuts are going to be more at the management level and at the district office, or in the maintenance, classified area.

If administrative cuts are needed where would you cut?

We would look at each department at the management level, and see how many people they have servicing that department and if they can possibly combine jobs.

What would you do to boost test scores and student performance?

If you look at the schools that do well, it's where there's greater parent involvement, so I would do everything to encourage that.

We have really good teachers. I would encourage more PTA involvement from our more aggressive schools (with those schools with lower scores).

We're doing a good job with teachers, with curriculum and with trying to find the niche that's going to capture those kids who need help.

Describe the relationship between the city, the school district and developers of the former Naval base? Can it be improved, and what would you do?

We need to consistently remind ourselves -- the city and the school district -- that we're all out for the same purpose, which is to have excellent schools. It benefits the city, it benefits the real estate, it makes people want to move here. I think we just cannot be at odds.

And we have to be up front with Catellus and developers about who's benefiting, and each agency has to have the goal of improving Alameda.

What's the most pressing issue facing AUSD today?

We've had a lack of confidence on the part of the community and a low morale on the part of some employees.

I favor improving communication with both groups -- management taking positions that are going to give employees confidence and to let them know that we care about them and believe in them.

What separates you from the other candidates and what distinguishes you from the on the board?

I have a long history in education. Here in Alameda, I have taught preschool, elementary, middle and high school. I have always been involved as a parent, community leader. I understand Alameda and I care about it.


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Last Modified: October 1, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.