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Candidates File Financial Reports - Pat Bail Leads the Race with $58,182.87 in Contributions Received

Don Roberts, Alameda Daily News

The deadline for Alameda candidates to file their current campaign financial reports was 5:00 p.m. yesterday.

The candidate who has received the greatest amount of monetary contributions was City Council candidate Pat Bail, who has received contributions totaling $58,182.87, which includes a $55,000 loan from the candidate and her husband. In second place for contributions received was City Council candidate Doug de Haan with a total of $8,408.02. In third place was City Council candidate Ruben Tilos with $4,270.33, which includes a $500 loan from the candidate.

Total monetary contributions for other City Council candidates are: Marie Gilmore $3,600, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft $1,800, and Betsy P. Elgar nothing.

The only candidates in the School Board race who reported receiving monetary contributions were Forbes & Shaff with total monetary contributions of $12,730 and Janet Gibson, who listed receipts totaling $2,125, which included a $2,000 loan from the candidate.

School Board candidates Vernice Boone, Karin Lucas, and Bob Reeves were not required to submit financial statements as they have filed statements that they are not raising or spending over $1,000 in their campaigns.

In the Alameda Hospital Board race, as of this morning, the only candidates' financial reports which have been received by the County Registrar of Voters Office were from Lena Tam with $3,830 in total monetary contributions and Jeptha Boone with $2,400 in total monetary contributions.


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Last modified: October 7, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.