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Trustee term limits voted out

Tuesday, November 5, 2004 By Peter Hegarty, Alameda Journal

A measure that would end term limits for school district trustees and remove any references to the school board in the City Charter has won the support of voters.

Measure F passed easily Tuesday, with 12,055 people voting yes, or 56.9 percent. The no votes totaled 9,137.

School district leaders said the measure was necessary because references to the board in the charter were outdated: The school system has not been a "department" at City Hall for years and because trustees were appointed, not elected.

An impartial analysis of the measure prepared by the City Attorney's office for the sample ballot made clear that term limits would end: "...(it) would repeal the provisions of the charter governing the nomination and election of members of the Board of Education, their terms of office ..."

Some said, however, that the fact that term limits would end if the measure passed was not made clear when trustees and the City Council decided to put it on the ballot.

But when the board reviewed the measure last month, Trustee Tracy Jensen said that was not the case -- the board was aware that term limits would end if Measure F passed.

Trustee Janet Gibson, though, said the decision to place it on the ballot stemmed from a need to clarify the charter's language.

Among those who opposed Measure F was the Alameda Education Association, which represents the Island's teachers.

Glenda McDowell, the association's president, said term limits are needed because it keeps the board fresh.

If trustees decide they want to restore term limits, they will need to place another measure before voters.


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Last Modified: November 6, 2004

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