
Mike McMahon AUSD
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2003 Budget Recap for AUSD

The CA State Budget Crisis 2003 created a significant amount of problems for Alameda school district. While the Governor's proposed mid-year cuts from December, 2002, were never passed by the Legislature, AUSD needed to anticipate what cuts would be passed by Legislature for 2003/04 budget year. Not knowing what the Legislature would do in June 2003, AUSD used the guidelines developed by the Alameda County of Education to develop budget assumptions. As a result in late March, 2003, AUSD identified the need to reduce its overall General Fund expenditures by $1,700,000. Those reductions were adopted at the April 8th Board Meeting. Here are the:AUSD 2003-04 Board of Education Approved Reductions. Along with AUSD 2003-04 Budget Reductions Frequently Asked Questions.

Prior to adopting the Superintendent's recommendations, the 2003 Superintendent's Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) was formed to provide community input.

They presented recommendations to the Superintendent on April 1st. Their recommendations were: 2003 Superintendent's Educations Advisory Committee's Recommendations.

During the month of March and early April 2003, I received approximately 50 Emails concerning possible budget reductions. To review the comments, go to: Comments Received Regarding Proposed Budget Cuts.

2003 State Budget Crisis

2004 State Budget Crisis

2005 State Budget Crisis

2004 AUSD Budget Issues

2005 AUSD Budget Issues

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: December 10, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.